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October 18, 2019
1 min read

Master, Mister, Monster

My six-year-old son began draw­ing H’s, then con­nect­ed a few lines. A short time there­after, the mon­ster appeared.


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After mov­ing back to New York from a few years in Brazil, I did a fair amount of couch-surf­ing while search­ing for a new design job. I spent most of my free time walk­ing …
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Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug isn’t present in the pho­to above. I gave it away to anoth­er design­er a few years ago. It’s arguably the ugli­est book in the lot, but it’s …
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Mario Klinge­mann and Albert Bar­qué-DuranMy Arti­fi­cial Muse2017 Klinge­mann used a stick fig­ure mod­eled on Ophe­lia, then artist Albert Bar­qué-Duran paint­ed the com­pos­ite into a fres­co. From my per­spec­tive, the inter­est­ing part of these kinds of works …

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