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October 18, 2019
1 min read

Master, Mister, Monster

My six-year-old son began draw­ing H’s, then con­nect­ed a few lines. A short time there­after, the mon­ster appeared.


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A palin­drome is a word, phrase, num­ber, or sequence of char­ac­ters that reads the same for­ward and back­ward. In oth­er words, it remains unchanged even when reversed. They’re an inter­est­ing lin­guis­tic and math­e­mat­i­cal phe­nom­e­na …
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Sun Yuan & Peng Yu 孙原 & 彭禹Can’t Help Myself 难自禁2016–2019 Peng Yu & Sun Yuan What is it about watch­ing robots do their work that’s so sooth­ing and dis­turb­ing at the same time? …
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My six-year-old son began draw­ing H’s, then con­nect­ed a few lines. A short time there­after, the mon­ster appeared. ***

.... .- ...- . .- -. .. -.-. . -.. .- -.--