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October 1, 2018
1 min read

Travel writing with A.I.

Ross Good­win
1 the Road

“It was nine sev­en­teen in the morn­ing, and the house was heavy…”

Ross Goodwin’s robot

Four sen­sors packed in a Cad­dy on a road­trip from NYC to NOLA, send­ing sig­nals to his neur­al net­work of exist­ing lit­er­a­ture, of which I’m pret­ty sure at least one is On The Road. I love how this recipe out­puts in real time on a spool print­er, very nice touch.

“The time was one minute past mid­night. But he was the only one who had to sit on his way back. The time was one minute after mid­night and the wind was still stand­ing on the counter and the lit­tle patch of straw was still still and the street was open.”

Ross Goodwin’s robot
1 the Road


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