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September 4, 2018
1 min read

Human‑A.I. Collaborated Fashion

or, “How to design a post-apoc­a­lyp­tic jumper”

These MIT stu­dents put togeth­er an after-school project called How to Gen­er­ate (Almost) Any­thing—worth check­ing out all their projects, btw. 

For this one, they con­fig­ured a GAN trained on vin­tage sewing pat­terns and came up with some fun designs, includ­ing the post-apoc­a­lyp­tic jumper.

Vin­tage sewing pat­tern images


Train­ing the dataset




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After mov­ing back to New York from a few years in Brazil, I did a fair amount of couch-surf­ing while search­ing for a new design job. I spent most of my free time walk­ing …
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Obvi­ous ArtEdmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy2018 Three French stu­dents tweaked a GAN (Gen­er­a­tive Adver­sar­i­al Net­work) algo­rithm derived from open source to pro­duce an array of images. Then inkjet-print­ed to can­vas and auc­tioned …
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or, “How to design a post-apoc­a­lyp­tic jumper” These MIT stu­dents put togeth­er an after-school project called How to Gen­er­ate (Almost) Any­thing—worth check­ing out all their projects, btw.  For this one, they con­fig­ured a GAN trained on vin­tage …

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