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October 25, 2018
1 min read

Duchamps of the 21st-century

Obvi­ous Art
Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy

Three French stu­dents tweaked a GAN (Gen­er­a­tive Adver­sar­i­al Net­work) algo­rithm derived from open source to pro­duce an array of images. Then inkjet-print­ed to can­vas and auc­tioned off one for $432,500 to an anony­mous buy­er. I mean, talk about turn­ing water to wine—jeez Louise! The sto­ry behind this piece is all over the place. Being first at some­thing is still very much “a thing.”


a.i. · art
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It’s been five years since my last auto-sug­gest poem, “You Are a Sweet Girl” (2016). I won­der how I’ve trained my robot­ic co-author, Siri, dur­ing this inter­im. RAW TEXT: The only way I could …
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So, I guess for­est fires are a thing for me now. I’ve expe­ri­enced thun­der­storms in North Car­oli­na, hur­ri­canes in Flori­da, earth­quakes (and ter­ror­ist attacks) in Man­hat­tan, dengue fever in Brazil…and now orange sky from …
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Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug isn’t present in the pho­to above. I gave it away to anoth­er design­er a few years ago. It’s arguably the ugli­est book in the lot, but it’s …

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