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October 25, 2018
1 min read

Duchamps of the 21st-century

Obvious Art
Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy

Three French students tweaked a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) algorithm derived from open source to produce an array of images. Then inkjet-printed to canvas and auctioned off one for $432,500 to an anonymous buyer. I mean, talk about turning water to wine—jeez Louise! The story behind this piece is all over the place. Being first at something is still very much “a thing.”


a.i. · art
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Mario Klingemann and Albert Barqué-DuranMy Artificial Muse2017 Klingemann used a stick figure modeled on Ophelia, then artist Albert Barqué-Duran painted the composite into a fresco. From my perspective, the interesting part of these kinds of works …
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After moving back to New York from a few years in Brazil, I did a fair amount of couch-surfing while searching for a new design job. I spent most of my free time walking …

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